Friday, February 17, 2023

"The Isles" by Little Comets

A few days ago I re-watched The Filth and the Fury, a fantastic documentary about the rise and fall of the Sex Pistols. One thing I like about it is how it's not just about the band, but about the place and time.

England in the late 1970s was the perfect kind of economically chaotic and politically stagnant environment that would make public unrest and the rise of a band like the Sex Pistols inevitable. (Another film about this time period I recommend is Shane Meadows' This is England).

It's now 30 years later, and there are still people in the UK struggling at the bottom, despite Tony Blair's best efforts to have the world see otherwise. This video from the band Little Comets focuses on England's lower classes, often letting the subject faces do the talking without saying words.

The music isn't nearly as nihilistic as what Johnny Rotten and Steve Jones created decades ago, but the sentiment is similar. The video and song's vibe is energetic but woozy and on the brink, much like the economy of every Western country in the 21st century.

Little Comets - 'The Isles' from Agile Films on Vimeo.

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